Thursday, September 11, 2008 Because the world needs to know

I feel I could fill this entry with a ranting review of the National Colloquium’s opening and keynote speaker last night, but, in his spirit, I will instead direct my lovely readers to an important website. Please look it over and give it a think.

German Word: Denn die Welt muss es wissen. “Because the world needs to know.”


Anonymous said...

well its nice to know that you have great hits here.

Courtney OWU said...

Great hits? Pardon my asking, but how do you mean "great hits"?

Hasani OWU said...

Wow. You took what Bill McKibben said to heart. I need to see the website.

Courtney OWU said...

He was an interesting speaker, and the very least one can do is spread the word around so that others can see what he has to say.

Anonymous said...

Will you end up before a judge or jury to resolve your legal problems?